Enrollment Research Project

Another great benefit of NACCAP membership is the chance to participate in the ongoing NACCAP Enrollment Research Project. NACCAP members share their admission funnel data eight times a year (the first of December, February, April, May, June, July, August, and a final report in September) and also participate in the annual Admission Benchmarking Study. The ABS gathers data on key recruitment factors such as budget by category, staffing, funnel ratios, athletics recruiting, salaries by position, and relevant recruitment ratios, allowing members to make helpful comparisons with each other.

Legacy Higher Ed conducts this research on NACCAP's behalf. Tim Fuller had led this research project for NACCAP from 2008 until his passing in June 2023. Members who participate in the research project are entitled to a no-fee Strategic Enrollment Data Session either virtually or on their campus to walk through their data and help them understand implications for ongoing planning and strategy building in their admission and recruitment operations.

If you have questions about the project, need help with login credentials or would like to schedule a Strategic Enrollment Data Session, please email Bev Zarges, Project Manager, at bev@naccap.org.

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