Member Benefits

Annual Conference

The conference provides professional development, spiritual encouragement and an opportunity to develop peer relationships. Usually held in late May or early June, this event is held on a NACCAP member college campus. These conferences are a cornerstone of NACCAP and are consistently viewed as a highlight of NACCAP membership.

The Statement of Principles of Good Practice

NACCAP desires to serve the interests and concerns of member institutions and students seeking admission into Christian colleges, universities, graduate school and seminaries by providing a statement and system of professional accountability and recruitment standards.

Christian College Fairs

NACCAP created and sponsors the Christian College Fairs. The fairs are a service to both students/families who are considering enrollment in Christian colleges and member institutions recruiting future students. NACCAP hosts over 130 Christian College Fairs nationwide each year.


Our student-focused website, findyourchristiancollege, provides information about upcoming Christian College Fairs, a free college search function displaying NACCAP member schools, financial aid resources along with other helpful information for prospective students. The website is also a great resource for college representatives who are attending the fairs.


The site features lead capture and school search functions, as well as webinars, virtual college fairs, scholarships and blogs.

Enrollment Research

Three times per year, NACCAP enrollment surveys provide detailed information on applicants, acceptances and deposits at other NACCAP member schools that participate.

NACCAP Website

This is a service to prospective students, our membership and casual visitors. Some of the key features are links to each of our member schools, information on the Christian College Fairs, detailed information on our Annual Conference, a Recent News section for updates of news from around the membership and a "Career Opportunities” page that lists current job openings at NACCAP member institutions. There are additional features specifically designed to meet the needs of our prospective student and member visitors. The website is a clearinghouse for information related to Christian higher education.


Various lists have been provided for the entire membership to conduct membership related communication. Various lists include: CEO’s, Campus Visit Coordinators and New Admissions Counselors. There are 12 lists total; to become part of any or all of these e-lists, contact NACCAP headquarters for more information.

International Tours

Each year, NACCAP hosts an international tour to various countries throughout the world. Tours have occurred in Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, Central and South America. These tours, limited to a number of institutions, usually last 2-3 weeks.

Regional Conferences

Throughout the year, NACCAP provides smaller regional conferences for members and non-members to attend. These usually target a specific group of people such as senior enrollment leaders, K-12 school counselors and neighboring institutions.


Fellowship with others in the membership is one of the most important aspects of being a part of NACCAP. The individuals you meet at college fairs, at the annual conference and at other NACCAP functions can become great resources for peer counseling, mentoring and friendship.

THE Guide to Christian Colleges and Universities

THE Guide serves as a valuable platform to communicate your mission and values. Students, parents, and school counselors consistently use this resource throughout the year.

Contact Us

P.O. Box 5211
Huntington, IN 46750

888. 423. 2477

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